4. W.I.H.E. Festival: Re-Member - Invitation 2020

You have been chosen to Re - Member

Dear desperate and shaken participant of the annual WIHE Literary Festival:

After the last three successful Literary Festivals with infamous themes as: 

Why I Hate England, Why I  ate  England and Dis- Member.

After no discussion of other themes such as ‚Who Would Have Thought‘ and ‚Say What and Why‘, the chosen theme for this, our Fourth Festival is:


Hence, you have been selected to write a 1 to 3 page essay expounding on this theme.

The reading or singing of the texts will occur after sundown, 

on Saturday 29. August.

At the: Stable Cottage Nottingham Manor

Plumpton, Sussex, England

Great (soon to be Little) Britain 

Before reading or singing your essay, all will participate in an evening meal which means that everyone brings nutrients to share with others.  This will start before sundown, say about three-issh in the afternoon on the 29th.  

Prerequisites for Participation and Publication:

You must write it.

You must read  or sing it.

You must send it to me per email within 48 hours after the event (I have grown more lenient since March 2020).

no photos or videos

Your essays will be collected and printed into a pamphlet. Each artist who has fulfilled the four requirements above will receive a copy for their effort.

As usual, at midnight, we will burn our Ook Talisman alive on the raging bonfire while chanting its name in a communal act of cleansing.

Greetings from wherever we are,

Theodor and Carol

Congregators of Particular People


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