4. W.I.H.E. Festival: Re-Member - Theodor di Ricco - Berlin

  Tired of predicting the future?  Tired of complaining about the present?  Tired of Re - membering the past. Tired of preaching to the converted. Tired off getting knocked down.  Tired of getting back up again? 

    Oh Danny-Boy ... Take a lager drink, take a cider drink ... my next door neighbour. Now sit back and enjoy,  I am going to tell you a tale. It is  about the four Saxons . Mama Saxon and the three kids; Anhalt, Nieder (not to be confused with their cousin Nieder land) and Anglo and it is called: Re - Member.

After sirering the three kids, their father Franken divorced Saxon and went on to get a life which he called France. Mama had trouble early on raising her children alone and soon they had abandoned her and also got on with thier own lives .

Anglo was radically rebellious and wanted nothing to do with his family. He went so far and made up new words and, new ways to measure things.  It seems he just did the opposite of everything his  his family members were doing.

Oh Danny Boy ... good bye neighbour.

take a gin drink, take a whiskey drink

sing about the good, sing about the bad times.

Re -Member

Mama, Anhalt and Nieder Saxon had been dealt a cold hard slap in their faces. Even Mama Saxon cursed the day Anglo was born, which is a pretty hard thing to do for mothers, so I have been told.

In the meantime, Anglo married Liz, Anne, Mary later Vicky and went on to make lots of little babies and put them places with strange names like Eire, Massechusets, Singapor and Lahore.

These babies grew up, had kids of their own and a lot of the grandkids wanted to visit their grandparents.  When parents become grand, they do not have the energy for children and often just want to be left alone.  

Anglo and Vicky thought there grand children in Hongkong were okay.  They were doing really well until they got a new babysitter.  They cried and cried and finally they got permission to visit, all three million of them. That is a lot of kids.  Just ask the other three Saxons how it  when a million kids came to visit and they were not even their grandchildren.

To strengthen family ties further, this thing called god came along.  It quickly  made everything into a new normal.  It made everything slow down.  Parents did not go away to work and kids did not go to school.  Everyone was zooming on their computers, going no where fast. The kids were not able to play with each other. It made them very sad and their parents crazy. 

With every action there is a reaction like the.things that the parents have been talking about doing, but get distracted and forget what they originally set out to do,  like reducing an amount of gas that they have been producing in abundance, making less noise and the over-population. 

This act is not surprising.  It occurs in nature all the time.  It surprises parents, because they do not think they are part of nature.

It also membered families either in a good or bad way. It made them split up or made the do puzzles together.

In the middle of this epidemic, that is a parent word they say when things happen, they can not control.. Some kids started pulling down statues of people their parents honored.  It had something to do with not being allowed to play games with the same rules.

This is not a new thing. Kids have been tearing statues before you were born.  There used to be statues of  men named  Hitler, Stalin and Lenin but they are gone now.  Maybe someday, the kids here will do the same with the statues of Windsor, Tutor and Mouthbatten.

If it was not good enough, families that had to stay home watched operas that played out in slow motion.  One  is called ‚Dump the Turd on November Third‘  and a parallel show on another network called, ‚The Boris and Tory Show’.

Oh Danny Boy, Oh Girl, 

Oh Danny Them,  

Danny L.G.B.T.Q and X

Oh Danniela A.B and P.C.

In the end, there is no end to this re - membering tale because a lot of the kids have been screaming, ‚I told you so, I told you so.‘  and when you translate that into german it means: schadenfreude. 

So this tale, a tale that has reached epic proportions will set the ton in the upcoming days, months and years to follow.

This means  chanting slogans and protesting continues, albeit distanced socially  There might  even be a Lution, either the revo- or the evo- kind while cleanliness remains next to fanaticism.

Do not wasting time re  membering about the good times, or the bad times or anytime because I, you, we told you so. 


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